Buying your hardwood floor
In our digitized world it is natural to think that once you understand your projects parameters, identified the attributes you are interested in and found the flooring of your choice you can confidently make your decision. While we would love to support this, we cannot stress enough the importance of sampling material. While not all the below options are available in every market, here are some suggest steps we recommend exercising whenever possible.
Order Complimentary Samples:
There is a reason we offer complimentary samples of every hardwood floor we make. Physical samples provide a far more accurate (though limited) representation of a specific floors true color and personality. Being able to see and feel a floor (preferably in the location where you intend to install it) will provide additional insight and confidence that is is the right choice for your project.
Reach out to your local retailer.
Generally, the size of complimentary samples limits the ability to capture the breadth of variation in a given floor. Retailers offer larger displays consisting of multiple planks to provide greater understanding of a given floors range. Many dealers will lend out these displays, allowing you to view them in your projects space. In addition retailers offer a unique and credible perspective on flooring design which can be invaluable in helping you choose a floor.While we take pride in offering a comprehensive scope of hardwood flooring options, If Galleher does not have a flooring that matches your desired style, we highly recommend looking for options among other reputable brands who have an established and trustworthy history. Do not buy direct online! The risks and consequences are simply too dire. For more information regarding online hardwood flooring retailers please click here
Review your received material with your Installer.
Different flooring requires different approaches to acclimation (our online and boxed instructions will detail this), but all at some point the boxes containing your flooring will get opened up before installation. It is always best practice to review your floors before installation to ensure the material received meets your expectations.