Well, that sorta rhymes….
Nonetheless, 50 bucks could be yours if you’re the first outside salesperson to sell one of these awesome new Mega Hippo mixing systems for self-leveling floor coatings from our newest vendor partner, Portamix.
Of course, there’s another $50 available for the first customer service rep to write up the order for a Mega Hippo.
You could do alot with $50 — I’m told you can purchase a nifty Yankees baseball hat with that (sorry, I needed to keep the whole Yankee thing going…)
And to help you out with the selling (and since you’re already here…!) we would encourage you to scroll down on this Galleher University Portamix page which is chock full of great information to help you sell. There is a video that explains the product, lots product information, key selling benefits and even a video from a live demo the Portamix folks gave to our commercial team.
So, check out this page and learn all you’ll need to sell a Mega Hippo, or even a Pelican (you’ll learn the difference below.)
Happy selling!
Portamix Mixing System
Portamix developed the world’s first mobile mixing station in the 1990’s and has become one of the world’s most trusted advisors for leading compound manufacturers and thousands of contactors worldwide. Portamix’s innovative mix and pour systems are engineered to help contractors gain the most out of time and materials during the flooring installation process.
Watch a quick video that highlights the benefits of the Portamix Hippo mixing system.
Portamix Mixing System for self-leveling floor coatings: Mega Hippo and Pelican. What are they?
Portamix is committed to providing floor coating applicators with the means to increase their performance and profitability. They achieve this by designing and manufacturing award-winning mixing equipment for self-levelling floor coatings. Portamix provides the worlds most innovative mix-and-pour system, engineered to gain the most out of time and materials. They are continually improving and innovating to ensure contractors worldwide can get their floor coatings down right the first time, every time.
The ultimate mobile mixing station
One person can mix, transport and pour with ease — reducing waste and increasing profitability

How do our customers get this newly mixed floor coating to other parts of the job site? The Pelican transport cart, of course!
The ultimate transport cart
Keep the mega hippo mixing, pour into transport cart and transport around the job site.

Did you miss the live demo of the Hippo and Pelican Mixing systems? Watch the video below.
And we’ve got accessories, too!